
Voucher Esame WordPress Certified Editor (WCE) – Knowledge Pillars

Esame WordPress Certified Editor


200,00 + IVA



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Voucher Esame WordPress Certified Editor (WCE) – Knowledge Pillars

Descrizione corso

Esame WordPress Certified EditorIl conseguimento dell’esame WordPress Certified Editor dimostra le competenze del candidato ad un livello standard richiesto dall’industria e la disponibilità ad entrare nel mercato del lavoro. I responsabili delle assunzioni possono usare questa certificazione come attestazione delle competenze del un candidato per un lavoro.

L’esame WordPress Certified Editor (WCE) permette al candidato di:

  • distinguersi dalla massa e soddisfare i requisiti di una domanda di lavoro;
  • migliorare il CV o il portfolio da freelance;
  • mettere alla prova le proprie conoscenze;
  • imparare nuove abilità;
  • guadagnare fiducia e credibilità.

Una volta ricevuto il voucher, l’iscrizione all’esame Esame WordPress Certified Editor va fatta sul portale Knowledge Pillars.

Il prezzo indicato è al netto di IVA.

Numero di domande: 35
Tempo massimo: 45 minuti
Punteggio minimo: 75%
Esame valido per: 2 anni

Modalità dell’esame
Ogni studente avrà la propria installazione di WordPress (a seconda del test che stanno facendo).
Gli studenti dovranno rispondere a tutte le domande entro il tempo stabilito.
Sono liberi di ignorare tutte le domande che vogliono. Avranno la possibilità di rispondere alle domande ignorate alla fine del test (entro i 45 minuti).
Tutte le domande senza risposta saranno segnate come errate. Quando il test finisce, il risultato dell’esame viene inviato al server di KP per l’archiviazione. Se gli esaminandi inseriscono nuovamente la loro credenziale, potranno vedere i risultati per ogni loro voucher.

Objective Domains

Manage Categories and Tags

  • Know how to create, modify and remove categories
  • Know how to create, modify and remove tags

Manage Posts

  • Know how to create a new post, save it as a draft, publish it and schedule the publication of the post
  • Edit and Quick edit an existing post, move a post to trash, remove deleted posts, unpublish a post, and perform bulk actions on posts

Use the search box or filters to find a post

  • Modify various post document properties such as category, tags, author, visibility, publish date, position, featured image, excerpt, comments visibility

Manage Pages

  • Know how to create a new page, save it as a draft, publish it and schedule the publication of the page
  • Edit and Quick edit an existing page, move a page to trash, remove deleted pages, unpublish a page, and perform bulk actions on pages
  • Use the search box or filters to find a page, understand the difference between pages and posts and recognize pages used by Themes or Plugins
  • Modify various page document properties such as author, visibility, publish date, featured image, comments visibility

Using the Post and Page Builder

  • Use the following blocks in your posts and pages:
    Paragraph, Heading, List, Quote, Image, Gallery, Cover, File, Audio, and Video blocks
  • Use the following blocks in your posts and pages:
    Classic, Code, Preformatted, Pullquote, Verse, and Table blocks
  • Use the following blocks in your posts and pages:
    Page Break, Buttons, Columns, Group, Media & Text, More, Separator and Spacer blocks
  • Use the following blocks in your posts and pages:
    Shortcode, Archives, Calendar, Categories, Latest Comments, Latest Posts, RSS and Search, Social Icons, and Tag Cloud blocks
  • Use the following blocks in your posts and pages:
    YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, and other embed blocks


  • Post a comment or reply to an existing comment
  • Edit, approve, unapproved, remove a comment or mark it as spam. Search for a comment or perform bulk actions on them

Manage Media Library

  • Recognize the difference between pixel sizes and compressions, the need to resize and compress media before uploading, and the need for mobile-friendly media
  • Upload, remove and modify attributes of media in the media library. Insert them to post or pages
  • Resize, crop, rotate, and flip images in the Media Library
  • Search for files in the Media library using filters or the search box

Advanced Editing in WordPress

  • Understand the importance of proper document structure and spelling and the importance of managing the size of your paragraphs and posts. Comply to web standards for accessibility
  • Recognize different types of licenses and copyrighted content. Decide on the proper license for your media and understand the dangers of plagiarism and how to avoid it
  • Understand the importance of Permalinks and Shortcodes and modify the HTML code of pages and posts
  • Understand the importance and meaning of SEO and recognize its guidelines. Use tags in your posts and understand the importance of using social media for promoting your posts
  • Recognize WordPress Server, Media and Plugin errors

Profile and Screen Options

  • Edit your profile and reset your password
  • Modify the dashboard, posts, pages, categories, tags, comments screens options
